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Monday, September 26, 2005

Big in Holland - London Underground Blog hits Computer Idee

So that's where all the traffic came from

Ahh, I did a brief interview with a Dutch Magazine
Computer Idee which is sort of like a Dutch version of Computer Active (even published by vnu too) and it looks like it came out in the shops last week on the day I got a surge in traffic from a non-website source. I spose because people seemed to be visiting from countries all over the place and not just Holland, it didn't click.

Anyway the very nice people at Computer Idee sent me a couple of copies of the magazine which I received this morning. It won't surprise you to learn that I can't speak Dutch and therefore have little idea how the interview came out.

London Underground Blog on Dutch magazine Computer Idee

If anyone can - Arno, where are you? It would be good to know exactly what it says. I know that "Leeftjid: Ouder dan de meeste denken" is "Age: Older than most people think" and that "Op 7 juli, de dag dat bommen in de metro afgingen, was ik toevallig thuis en kon ik elk half uur met nieuwe updates komen" - is "On 7 July, the day that bombs in the subway went down, was I by chance at home and could I each half hour with new updates come" - well you get the gist from an online translation thingie.

Nice to see other UK blogs mentioned in passing too such as Zoe's "My Boyfriend is a Twat" and the always mentioned Plastic Bag.

Many thanks to the publishers and welcome again if you came from Computer Idee.

; Posted by annie mole Monday, September 26, 2005 Permalink COMMENT HERE